TEMS (Technology and Engineering Management Society), Chapter Central Europe
The Technology and Engineering Management Society promotes excellence in engineering management practive by providing focused, practical, accessible educational opportunities for technical managers, functional managers, project and program managers, and engineers interested in becoming managers.
TEMS Value Proposition
Enabling technology professionals and managers to optimize their career opportunities and organizational effectiveness.
TEMS Mission
To become the preferred resource for technology professionals pursuing excellence in management of innovation, business, and entrepreneurship.
TEMS Vision
Technology professionals excelling in leadership positions.
Field of Interest
The field of interest of the Society encompasses the management sciences and practices applicable to individuals engaged in or overseeing the management of electrical and electronics engineering, related technologies and their arts and sciences, innovation, and strategy in a global environment.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: technology management and organizational strategy; technology policy development, assessment, and transfer; program and project management; transitioning from technology; practitioner to manager; management of research, development, and design of products, equipment, processes, and related activities; innovation and entrepreneurship; interaction and role of scientists, engineers, and managers in meeting organizational objectives; education of personnel engaged in; managing electrical and electronics engineering, technology, and related arts and sciences; innovation; the economics of invention, innovation, and application of new technologies; and the impact of engineering, technology, and innovation management on society.
Please let us know if you want to be more involved in the organization of the chapter. Proposals for events are also welcome!
- Talks, discussions, workshop about relevant topics in the field
- Chapter meetings
- TEMS newsletter (e.g. meeting invitations)
- new since 2018: IEEE TEMS Role Model Award CE (for details see below)
IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Role Model Award Central Europe
Nomination deadline: July 15 each year
- The award is dedicated to technology and engineering managers who are role models for their jobs:
"If all managers did their job like the awarded person, we would live in a better world".
The focus group for this award is middle management and not the already well known top management. - Nominations can be submitted by every Chapter Member (IEEE TEMS Chapter Central Europe)
- Nominated can be every person who works as technology or engineering manager in one of the countries of the IEEE TEMS Chapter Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia).
- The nominated person does not need to be an IEEE member.
- The nominating person must not be dependable from the nominated person: e.g. current bosses of the nominating persons cannot be nominated. They can be nominated after their retirement or if they change the department and are no longer responsible for the nominating person.
- Award jury: the Executive Committee of the IEEE TEMS Chapter Central Europe.
- There is only one person awarded per year. High quality nominations of non-awarded persons are automatically considered in the following years.
- Nominations need to be sent per email to the Secretary of the IEEE TEMS Chapter Central Europe (email see below).
- The nomination is formless in German or English and needs to contain:
- name, title, position of the nominated person
- short paragraph (e.g. 3 sentences) why this person is a role model for technology and engineering management
- one(!) sentence for the certificate: xxx is awared in recognition of acting as a role model for ............
- name, phone number of the nominating person
- organizational relationship between the nominating person and the nominated person.
- The nomination deadline is July15th, each year.
- The award is a certificate/plaque and, depending on the jury decision and the current budget situation, a one-year membership to IEEE TEMS.
Award Recipients
Year | Awarded Manager | Company | Role Model for: |
2018 | Paul Pavetich | Siemens AG Österreich | strategy, leadership, humanity, empathy, esteem, fairness, trust, collaboration |
2019 | Friederich Kupzog | AIT | strategy, leadership, collaboration, personal engagement, sustainable structures, empathy, and individual coaching |
2024 | nomination deadline July 15, 2024 |
Introduction of the Award Recipient 2019

Why is Friederich Kupzog a Role Model for Technology and Engineering Management? (taken from the nomination, in German)
- Friederich Kupzog führt basierend auf einer hohen fachlichen Expertise und der Fähigkeit schnell und für jeden nachvollziehbar und transparent zu entscheiden seine Competence Unit und verliert sich dabei nicht in Selbstdarstellung, sondern stellt die Leistung seines Teams in den Vordergrund
- Im Wechselspiel der Stakeholdergruppen in der angewandten Forschung (Hersteller, Bedarfsträger, öffentliche Hand, etc.) entwickelt er Projekte und das Kompetenzprofil seiner Unit mit hoher Empathie und gestalten Projekte und Organisationsstrukturen mit einem großen Weitblick was den gesamtheitlichen (und nicht nur den eigenen) Erfolg betrifft. Die von ihm initiierten Strukturen sind nachhaltig.
- Er verkörpert mit seinem persönlichen Engagement und seiner schnellen Auffassungsgabe eine deutlich sichtbare Vorbildfunktion für seine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Er führt als Vorbild – steht aber für seine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter unabhängig von deren formalen Funktion und Rolle als Coach zur Verfügung und ist auch bereit vermeintliche „Kleinigkeiten“ ohne Allüren mit seinen Mitarbeitern zu klären.
"If all managers did their job like Friederich Kupzog, we would live in a better world"
Introduction of the Award Recipient 2018

Why is Paul Pavetich a Role Model for Technology and Engineering Management? (taken from the nomination, in German)
- Die konstruktive inhaltliche Lösung für den Konzern steht immer vor den persönlichen Interessen. Er genießt bei Kunden, Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen" ein hohes Ansehen, da man weiß, dass er offen auf Menschen zugeht, gut zuhören kann und immer nach besten Wissen und Gewissen handelt.
- Er hat eine Vertrauens-Kultur in seiner Abteilung aufgebaut, wo ihm jeder seiner direct reports (aber darüber hinaus auch die von denen geführten Mitarbeiter) die Wahrheit anvertraut, selbst wenn es Probleme sind. Man weiß bei ihm einfach, dass er sein Bestes tun wird, einem dabei pragmatisch zu unterstützen (anstatt Fingerpointing zu betreiben). Ihm macht es Freude Anerkennung auszusprechen.
- Er hat mit strategischen Weitblick, persönlichem Engagement und geschickter Hand seine rund 100 Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen durch alle technologischen Veränderungen sowie den Höhen und Tiefen und Umstrukturierungen geführt und dabei kontinuierlich die Standortexzellenz ausgebaut. Seine Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen sind hier immer als Menschen behandelt worden und er hat authentisch verkörpert, dass ihm diese Menschen ein Anliegen sind (und hat auch danach gehandelt).
"If all managers did their job like Paul Pavetich, we would live in a better world"