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Wednesday, 05. December 2018, 10:00 - 11:30
Category: Industrial Workshops | created by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The main objective of the session is to raise awareness of the work of standardization bodies (e.g. IEEE, ETSI, CEN/CENELEC). Secondly, we will show how participants can get active in one of the standardization bodies and how the standardization process takes place in these different bodies. 

In an interactive approach, experts from standardization bodies will explain the rationale behind standards and its demands driven by the industry. Most importantly the audience will be trained how to address the standardization bodies to get active and benefit from the activities for their
technologies and product development. Shaping an individual standard can be a significant advantage when entering the market not only for established large companies but also for SME and Start-Ups.

The network session is highly relevant for all participants who plan or submit ICT proposals in the H2020 program. The participants may be research institutions, universities but also Start-Ups and industrial partners who plan to contribute to the standardization of technologies to foster a wider usage of their technologies in industrial applications. Several standardization bodies are addressed in the session like IEEE, ETSI, CENELEC and common activities between those bodies are explained. Participants will get hands-on experience from different speakers how the standardization bodies work and how the editors of the standard collaborate across different stakeholder.


  • Welcome and introduction (Thomas Reibe, EC DG Connect, ICT standardisation coordination)
  • Why and how to get involved in standardization? (Hermann Brand IEEE; Ultan Mulligan ETSI; Karl Grün CEN/CENELEC Project BRIDGIT2)
  • Bridging the gap from research to standardization: CEN CWA Requirements and recommendations for assurance in the Cloud (RACS) (Aljosa Pasic ATOS)
  • Open standards drive business: Time Sensitive Networking for Automotive and Manufacturing (Marina Gutierrez Lopez TTTech)
  • The project: Next call for funding European experts to participate in global standardization bodies (Simone Sacchi Project Coordinator - Trust-IT Services Ltd)
  • Q/A and discussion

Check external website for further details on the conference itself.

Location Room Number: Room 2.44, Austria Center Vienna Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1 Vienna, Wien
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.